Art that Moves

Rania Ho
Interactive installations "Flip" and "Stop Buggin' Me, I'm Gonna Tell" are part of series of machines that will play with toys for you

Jesse Jackson
"No one Knows How Radio Works"
kinetic sculpture, 3' x 4' x 1'. wood, plastic, steel, and electronics. It moves and generates sound.

Frank Garvey and OmniCircus
Humper the Robotic Hooker...

Donna Keiko Ozawa ,
The work I would like to enter is mainly viewer activated kinetic sculpture. One piece is "Spring" which is a hand-cranked sculpture. I could also do an installation of whirlygigs which have only been shown once before. These are viewer activated through motion detectors.

Shirley Shor
Web site:
Art piece or installation proposed:
Becoming, software art and installation , 2002
Meme Stance (from the series: Hacking Art History) interactive computer generated animation on a flat touch-screen, 2002

Jonathan Foote
I have about 15 small-scale works that feature electronic illumination that changes slowly over time. Some give the impression of motion, but they do not actually move. The overall feeling is contemplative, so they do best in dim light and a quiet atmosphere:

Kal Spelletich

Kimberlee Koym
video, Title: As if a body acts alone, the human as a kinetic object. Or Kinetic shadow sculpture with soundscape, Title:The Kinetic Couple

Steve Lambert
http://www.budgetgallery.org http://www.hamsterwheels.com/index2.html
Color organ that is attached to 3 lightboxes , the lights are triggered by sound which can be entered by any source. I have a cd of sound work I made for it, mainly long tones. The sound work was create by digitally transferring photographs to audio.

Tom McCall
A bicycle that has a about 200 LEDs and 25 feet of EL wire on it + a figurehead doll with lighted head and eyes and motor driven rotating arms. The lights can be set to flash to audio input or stay on constantly

Alex Killough
Its soundtrack was composed by analyzing the sound of traffic using Max/MSP, and relying on an automatic composition algorithm with functions in real time to write the music. thanks,

Will Eccleston
"Gimme". It was created for a show called "All Small".


548 Precita Avenue     Q     San Francisco, CA 94110     Q     415.642.7273     Q     info@qbox.org