Are you interested in turning a toxic dump into a flowering garden?

Do you love art and nature? If you answered yes to both of these questions then you are the perfect candidate to help us build the boxshop sculpture garden. We are looking for a few good people to help us transform this desolate plot of land, long the site of broken down artcars and other flotsam and jetsam leftover from half-finished art and mechancial projects, into a flourishing garden complete with installations of kinetic sculptures. We're going to need some help because we can't do it all by ourselves (as much as we would just like to wave a wand and make it magically appear, that's not gonna happen). So if you have some gardening and landscaping skills or some killer sculpture that you'd like to put on display, contact us and let us know how you want to contribute in bringing new life to this sad sack wasteland.

garden wrangler: Jennifer Alexander 415.252.8300

Tell Us What You Think!
Email the Garden Project.
Give us your feedback!
let us know about any resources that you think might be useful to us!

What The Garden looks Like Now:

Our Beautiful Garden!
Here's an idea of what the garden may look like, courtesy Jennalex:

Q       415.307.3482       Q       info@qbox.org       Q